Book Club Tuesday: The Side Gardener

Although my favourite seasons are autumn and winter, I do find spring and summer to be thrilling as new plants grow green and flourish in the warmth of the seasons which are unencumbered by thick layers and clompy boots (but give me warm woolens any day).  And, while taking the long walk home after school drop off the other day, I happened upon a yard with chickens! Peacefully clucking while searching out tasty Continue reading “Book Club Tuesday: The Side Gardener”

Book Club Friday Fun Edition: Let Me Feed You

My hope is that you’ll find recipes in this book as delicious and satisfying as they are straightforward and achievable. (3)

Cooking is a language that I speak fluently. Like Rosie Daykin, I use that language to say things to those around me. I want people to taste the effort, taste the love. And, part of being able to cook for someone isn’t about showing off the latest culinary technique or hard-to-find ingredient it’s all about making food that’s Continue reading “Book Club Friday Fun Edition: Let Me Feed You”